Friday, March 24, 2017

Lara's First Choir: Cherub Choir!

Lara's in the Cherub Choir at school!!!
I knew she would make the choir and I think she's pretty animated for a kid 4yrs old. 
Love this girl. Mama loves you Lara.  xoxo

Swim Class

March 17, 2017:

Friday Swimming Class!! She's finally able to dive down and get the rings!!
I can't believe that barely 6 weeks ago, she was using floaties in the pool.  Now she can dive. 

Sock balls!!

March 21, 2017

Yes!! Lara learned how to make sock balls!!
She struggled a bit and fought with me, but she really wanted to do it all by herself.  She practiced and practiced for at least a half hour before she got it!  And she did do it all by herself. 

2016 Holiday Pageant

Lara's Christmas Pageant 2016! 
I love their Rudolph noses.  I didn't have the best seat, but it brought up emotions I didn't know I had. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Stink Eye!

Yes, it finally happened.  My daughter, my 3 year old daughter gave me the stink eye.  I never thought I would experience it.  I try so hard to be the "perfect" mom.  Sensitive, Disciplined, Funny, Goofy, Patient, Loving... you name it, and I try to be it.

But, kids will be kids, no matter how hard you try to be your very best.  You can give them the moon, and kids can still have an attitude.

I only asked her what she wanted for breakfast, and I got no response, just the stink eye.  

Of course, I handled it, like any parent  would, in my family.
To make a long story short, she'll never do it again, ever.  She got more than a time out.

Kids are always pushing their boundaries, but it is up to us to set those boundaries.  I think that if we tolerate a look, even once, then its opening up other avenues of becoming mean and obnoxious individuals.  I think its important to correct kids.  Its more for them in the future.  By creating boundaries, you are teaching children how to not only respect you, but you are teaching them how to behave socially in the world.

Mean, sly, obnoxious looks will never get you anywhere in the world.  But a kind word and a smile will do wonders.  I always try and reward her kindness, and punish her mean streaks.

Yet, in today's society, its almost a good thing to be a little mean, and to have a bit of a mean streak. Kids are scary these days, with bullying becoming rampant in schools.

My Motto:
Bring up nice assertive kids, with a strong family that will ground them and form the foundation of who they are and who they will become in the world.  

Monday, August 3, 2015

Lara at 8.5 months: Laughing

I was astounded as how much this girl can laugh.  She laughs from deep inside her stomach... Like its a volcano bubbling up and erupting in a giant bubbly laugh!  Just love doing the goofiest things possible to make Lara Laugh!  

Here, Anurag and I are blowing bubbles and my Rolley Polley is laughing so hard.
We can never get back these moments.  So grateful for video... to keep these moments fresh in our minds.

Love you Lara.
Crystal Springs Resort & Spa -

It's amazing how I can have a home with virtually all the amenities... pool, bbq, deck... almost spa like atmosphere.. and yet I have to leave my home in order to destress...
It's almost not worth having a home with the amenities if you are going to be stressed being in it.
I guess its because there is just so much to do at home that just to sit on the couch and actually relax is not possible.
Especially with a 2 year old who needs all the attention in the world, if you're not going to have the TV as a babysitter.  But I do have days when I really really want to turn on the television and just give in.  It's just so much easier than drumming up the energy to keep my little girl entertained.

But Alas, we did finally go on a weekend getaway to Crystal Springs Resort in Vernon, NJ.
It was simply AMAZING!  We loved being there and we enjoyed every moment.  I really do want to go back there.  Its the perfect getaway that isn't too far from home, and yet, not so close that you can come back home.

We really needed it and we came back refreshed... to start the work life all over again.